Phone Box

I’m back in my home town for the next three weeks, meaning that I have been too preoccupied with settling back in to have had time to write anything. However, the other night on my way home from the pub I did notice a strange photo opportunity. I was quite tipsy at the time and on my own in the dark when I came across an old friend: this white phone box.

The phone box lives directly outside my old secondary school and sixth form college and I have used it once or twice before for my photography A Level shoots. I shoved my friend Katherine inside it and got her to look ’emotional’ for me on one occasion, which you can see here. In my imagination, people inside phone boxes are clearly full of angst.

So… drunk, bored me climbed inside and decided to take pictures with my digital camera. Maybe I could have justified being bizarre enough to do this if I had used my DSLR… but then again maybe not. This was the result. Strange, slightly out-of-focus, green-tinted photographs of me looking a bit severe with my (accidentally) racist haircut and a body warmer on.

Of course, I have a further reason for posting this image other than my love for the old Melton phone box! And that is to show off my mediocre ‘Photoshop’ skills. (Photoshop being in inverted commas due to the fact that I am actually a Paint Shop Pro user. Version 7 to be exact).

I have a true enthusiasm for this ancient software and refuse to spend my money on Photoshop when I’m not great with it anyway. I am better than a lot of people, but as you can see, I merely take advantage of the different layer effects and mess around with loads of different tools until I like the look of something. Today’s image is just a victim of this! I quite like it all the same.

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